Hello,, I Discovered a new bug in cPanel to show the directions (Folders Only) on the server in Disk Usage part for example, I tried to see the folders in /etc and it worked ! that would show you a list of directions of folders and that including programes on the server, this could be dangerous ! the attacker may use the exploit to see programes on the server and find bugs for them also you may see the directions of backups in the server also you have the permission to see the folders in other websites on the server which is been protected by firewall tested on / cPanel version 11.18.3 to see more information & Exploits for this bug / http://www.lezr.com/exploits/id/156 Discovered by Linux_Drox Best Regards,, L-G-H TEAM LeZr.Com Group : The Arab Center For Pirates www.LeZr.Com