rPath Security Advisory: 2008-0088-1 Published: 2008-02-28 Products: rPath Linux 1 Rating: Minor Exposure Level Classification: Local Non-deterministic Unauthorized Access Updated Versions: am-utils=conary.rpath.com@rpl:1/6.0.9-11.4-1 rPath Issue Tracking System: https://issues.rpath.com/browse/RPL-2255 Description: Previous versions of the am-utils package are vulnerable to an attack in which one local user can modify the contents of arbitrary files to which other local users running expn have write access. http://wiki.rpath.com/Advisories:rPSA-2008-0088 Copyright 2008 rPath, Inc. This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. A copy is available at http://www.rpath.com/permanent/mit-license.html