The latest bunch of events added to the Web Hacking Incidents Database include many international incidents. Enjoy. And if you still haven't had a chance to read our 2007 annual report, it is quite fascinating. you can find it at * In Korea, a Chinese hacker stole 18 Million(!) customers' records from an auction site: * In Greece and Ecuador government web sites where defaced (, * In the US a small financial firm in Montana lost the information of all its 226,000 customers ( But the incident I want to focus on this week is one I just added from late last year: In India a large newspaper site was broken into and malware was planted on it ( Why is it important? based on a recent report by WebSense, 51% of the sites hosing malware are legitimate sites that have been broken into. This is a major shift in web based threats. For end users, it is not sufficient anymore to keep to web sites they trust. For site owners it means that protecting their sensitive applications is no longer sufficient. Hackers have a financial incentive to attack any popular page. The direct damage of such an attack, even though invisible, is less visitors as more and more browser add-ons block access to sites hosting malware. The indirect damage is of course a branding and marketing damage. ~ Ofer Ofer Shezaf Work: ofers@xxxxxxxxxx, +972-9-9560036 #212 Personal: ofer@xxxxxxxxxx, +972-54-4431119 VP Security Research, Breach Security Chair, OWASP Israel Leader, ModSecurity Core Rule Set Project Leader, WASC Web Hacking Incidents Database Project