WifiZoo v1.3 is out there. this is a minor release, it basically addresses some minor functionality issues and stuff: New/fixed in WifiZoo v1.3 ========================== -Some changes in the GUI in general. The info is presented a little bit better. -new parameters: -i <interface>, -c pcap_capture. Yes you can now use a previously saved capture file (from kismet or tcpdump/wireshark,etc). -AP List now optionally autorefreshes, shows number of clients per AP and shows vendor of wificard based on the MAC address. With this, you can, with one look, observe the MAC of identified wifi devices, the vendor and the # of clients. This is helpful for easily spotting potential targets, because of the vendor or because of the number of clients. For example, If the AP has a very big number of clients, is a good idea to go and try do something with that AP. -Clicking on an AP on the AP List window sends you to a new window with list of clients for that AP. the MAC of each client is displayed along with the vendor of the wifi card according to the MAC. -MSN data is now displayed (:)) Direct download link: http://community.corest.com/~hochoa/wifizoo/wifizoo_v1.3.tgz More Info/screenshots: http://community.corest.com/~hochoa/wifizoo/index.html