.--. : .--' .-..-.: : .--. ,-.,-. : :; :: :__ ' .; :: ,. : `.__.'`.__.'`.__.':_;:_; CALL FOR PARTICIPATION uCon 2008, 1st edition Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil [ - Introduction - ] uCon will be a totally informal and non-profit conference (actually a small gathering of friends, hackers, computer security enthusiasts and idiots alike) taking place in Recife, Pernambuco, in 9th of February 2008 -- three days after the best street carnival in the world. The conference aims to bring together academics, hackers and information security enthusiasts to share cutting-edge ideas and thoughts about their latest developments and techniques in the field. PS1: uCon stands for "micro con", not "UFPE con"! PS2: NO LOGS = NO CRIME! PS3: Old warez is no warez! [ - The venue - ] The conference will be held at Informatics Center of Federal University of Pernambuco (CIn/UFPE), Recife campus. Its infrastructure includes a brand new, very comfortable auditorium with capacity for up to 115 people. [ - Who? - ] The usual gang of cretins, the usual suspects. [ - Topics - ] uCon committee gives preference to lectures with practical demonstration. The conference staff will try to provide every equipment needed for the presentation in the case the author cannot provide them. The following topics include, but are not limited to: - General system exploitation techniques, vuln-dev and shellcoding - Web application hacking - Phone phreaking - Fuzzing and application security test - Hardware hacking, embedded systems and other electronic devices - Mobile devices exploitation, Symbian, P2K and bluetooth technologies - Analysis of virus, worms and all sorts of malware - Reverse engineering - Rootkits - Security in Wi-Fi and VoIP environments - Information about smartcard and RFID security and similars - Technical approach to alternative operating systems - Denial of service attacks and/or counter-measures - Techniques for development of secure software and systems - Security in SCADA and "obscure" environments - Cryptography - Information about satellites, GPS and stuff alike - Lockpicking, trashing and urban exploration - Internet, privacy and Big Brother - Information warfare and industrial espionage [ - Costs - ] $0. Yes, it's true! Attendance to uCon is free of charge. Bring good ideas and a few 'coxinhas' for coffee break, if possible. [ - Deadlines and submissions - ] Deadline for proposal submission: 23rd of January 2008 Deadline for acceptation: 25th of January 2008 Make sure to provide along with your submission the following details: - Speaker name or handle - A short biography of the presenter - A brief description about your talk - Estimated time-length of presentation - Any technical requirements for your lecture Speakers will choose how many minutes of presentation time they need, meaning we will not have pre-determined time slots. However, please do not act insanely and pick a 1 hour time slot when in fact you could have picked up 15 minutes. Preferrable file format for papers and slides are PDF. If you feel old school enough you can submit them in TXT as well. Speakers are asked to, but not obligated, hand in slides used in their lectures. PLEASE NOTE: Bear in mind if your presentation involves advertisement of products, services or any kind of sales pitches, please do not waste your time submitting to us. [ - Information for speakers - ] Speakers' privileges are: - Free pass to the conference (isn't it free already, damn it?) - 15 minutes of fame and glory - A 600ml bottle of Skol beer - For each speaker non-resident in Recife, acommodation will be provided in our place. We can get you a bed for sure [ - Other information - ] For further information please check out our web site http://ucon.thebugmagazine.org it will be updated with everything regarding the conference. To volunteer to speak at uCon 2008, please send an e-mail to: ucon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx