########################## WwW.BugReport.ir
# AmnPardaz Security Research & Penetration Testing Group
# Title: Jupiter Cms Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Vendor: http://www.jupiterportal.com
# Bugs: Local File Inclusion, Privileges Escalation
# Vulnerable Version: 1.1.5ex (prior versions also may be affected)
# Exploitation: Remote with browser
# Exploit: Available
# Fix Available: No!
- Description:
Quote from vendor: "Jupiter is one of the most lightweight portal
systems available and it`s open source".
- Vulnerability:
Improper use of extract() result in multiple vulnerability Such as LFI & PE
+-->Local File Inclusion (Remote Code Execution)
Code Snippet:
/index.php line#609-615
if(strpos($n, "../") !== false) header("location: $PHP_SELF?i=error");
else include("$n.php");
It's possible for an attacker to set $n variable! although we have a
backward directory traversal check but because of index.php exists in
the main directory of application
Attacker can upload php codes with image/gif type and include it from
images/avatars directory!
POC: http://localhost/jupiter/index.php?n=images/avatars/aa.gif%00
+-->Privileges Escalation
There is a logical weakness in $db->updateRow() which could result in
privileges escalation in conjunction with extract() weakness in
profile update process.
Code Snippet:
/include/functions_db.php line#158-174
function updateRow($table,$array,$condition)
if(count($array)==0) return;
$q="UPDATE $table SET ";
foreach($array as $index=>$value)
$q.="`$index`=NULL, ";
$q.="`$index`='$value', ";
$q=substr($q,0,-2)." WHERE $condition LIMIT 1";
/modules/panel.php line#328-344
$tmp['email'] = $editemail;
$tmp['url'] = $editurl;
$tmp['flag'] = $editflag;
$tmp['location'] = $editlocation;
$tmp['age'] = $editage;
$tmp['hideemail'] = $edithideemail;
$tmp['calendarbday'] = $editcalendarbday;
$tmp['msn'] = $editmsn;
$tmp['yahoo'] = $edityahoo;
$tmp['icq'] = $editicq;
$tmp['aim'] = $editaim;
$tmp['skype'] = $editskype;
$tmp['signature'] = $editsignature;
$tmp['aboutme']= $editaboutme;
$tmp['templates']= $edittemplate;
$tmp[authorization] which handles users access level can be set at
this point with $_GET ,$_POST or $_COOCKIE because of improper use of
- PoC :
Original Advisory: http://www.bugreport.ir/?/23
- Credit :
AmnPardaz Security Research & Penetration Testing Group
Contact: admin[4t}bugreport{d0t]ir