Affects: Microsoft Office 2007 (12.0.6015.5000) MSO (12.0.6017.5000) possibly older versions I. Background Microsoft Office is a suite containing several programs to handle Office documents like text documents or spreadsheets. The latest version uses an XML based document format. Microsoft Office allows documents to be digitally signed by authors using certified keys, allowing viewers to verify the integrity and the origin based on the author's public key. The author's public key certificate, which can come from a trusted third party, is embedded in the signed document. It is XML DSig based. II. Problem Description Microsoft Office documents can carry URLs as clickable references. The target of URLs given in the document are stored in word/_rels/document.xml.rels inside the OOXML ZIP container. Inside you will see the hyperlink, referenced by an internal ID and the target. The target can be changed without invalidating the signature. At least in the GUI a hyperlink's target is shown to the user. Neverthe less the signature does not revel that it has been changed without the signer's knowledge. III. Impact An attacker can change the target of hyperlinks contained in signed documents, hoping to induce trust to the linked sites, or otherwise deceive the user. III.1. Proof of Concept Open the OOXML ZIP container of a signed document that contains a hyperlink. Lokk for the original target values in the word/_rels/document.xml.rels file. For example set the target value between the colons to to The changes will result in the new target being displayed when the document is opened in Office. Pressing Ctrl and clicking the link will instruct the browser to open the changed URL set as target. The signature remains valid. IV. Workaround The target of hyperlinks inside signed OOXML document can be changed without invalidating the signature, thus can not be trusted. Do not use the URL provided through the hyperlink to open the webpage the signed document wants you to open, instead try to deduce the URL from the signed document content. V. Solution No possible solution. VI. Correction details A closer look into the references section of the XML signature used by Microsoft Office (stored in the File _xmlsignatures\sig1.xml) reveals that the file word/_rels/document.xml.rels is in the list of references. Nevertheless, changes are not covered by the signature. If no implementation error is the case for this behaviour, this can only be due to the applied transformation. As a solution the scope of the signature needs to be extended to cover all the relevant information contained in the whole document, thus also the references in word/_rels/document.xml.rels. Include word/_rels/document.xml.rels, and probably other files in the signature's list of references. And use transformations that do not limit the signature's protection. VII. Time line 2007-10-24: Vendor contacted 2007-10-25: Vendor acknowledged reception 2007-11-14: 1st Deadline due 2007-11-27: Reminder sent 2007-12-12: No response received until today Yours, Henrich C. Poehls, Dong Tran, Finn Petersen, Frederic Pscheid SVS - Dept. of Informatics - University of Hamburg