+Note: This is being released without Meridian or CERT approval. Meridian has been dragging their feet and has shown no good intent since I first tried to contact them. My guess is that they will be following all of my releases claiming I was uncooperative. The only information Meridian ever sought was my identity. With my identity my company assumed they would be revoking our license/contract as way to quell the issue. CERT - Assigned VU#120593 +Subject Meridian Prolog Manager Username and Plain Text Password Disclosure +Version All Prolog Manager Versions (2007, 7.5 and pre 7.5 versions) +Impact Potentially High +Description When logging into a Prolog database all of the usernames and passwords are sent to the workstation. Depending on the encryption level of the database cracking the passwords is trivial to annoying. If you attempt a login with ANY username/password combination the entire dataset of usernames and passwords is passed to the workstation to parse and authenticate. Any network sniffer can catch the dataset to be cracked offline. "No Encryption" databases passes every password in plain text as it is returned from the sql query. "Standard Encryption" databases use a rotational encryption to secure the password as it is returned from the sql query. "Enhanced Encryption" databases use the Standard Encryption and then save it into a binary data field which is then returned from the sql query. No matter the encryption to the database the username is passed in plain text inside the sql query sent to the server. The Standard Encryption is easy to crack just by changing your password to all of one letter and observing the data coming back in HEX. Building the key takes less than 30 minutes. Enhanced Encryption is only slightly better since it takes the Standard Encryption rotational keyed password and then sends it to the database to be stored in a binary field instead of a text/varchar field. Even using this "encryption" once the password is over four characters the first returned hash (16 HEX characters after a standard lead in) is the same no matter what follows. Making a rainbow table of the first four characters would be annoying but takes less than a day done by hand. Once you had the first four characters making the next four would take another day for any given first four, again by hand. So cracking any one account's 1-8 character password would take 1-2 days (1-12 characters would take 1-3 days and so on). Given how most people pick passwords, given the first four characters it would be trivial to guess the rest. I would also guess that once you had a full set of the first four characters figuring out the patterned for the binary storage would be trivial. Building a script to build the tables would not be difficult and would speed the process up to a matter of hours to create a full 1-8 character rainbow table. +Impact: This would allow anyone to login as another user allowing them increased privileges and/or removing or altering data which would be logged as someone else. +Workarounds: No workarounds. +Programming Fix: The easy fix would be to only return the password for the username entered. This would still allow anyone to put in any username and return the password for that user in the "database" encryption type. The best solution would be to create a one way hash and send it to the server for authentication, instead of allowing the workstation to do the authentication. This would eliminate known good passwords from going across the network. +Contact May 29th 2007 - Email to Security and Support as well as vendor/reseller, no response. June 20th 2007 - Email to Security and Support as well as vendor/reseller, no response. August 20th 2007 - Email to Cert and SOC. August 20th 2007 - Response from CERT - Assigned VU#120593 October 3rd 2007 - Meridian Requests contact info from CERT about who found the issue. This was at the last moment of the 45 day limit allowed by CERT. October 3rd 2007 - Respond to CERT letting them know they can release prolog.disclosure@xxxxxxxxx as my contact info; no other info can be released for fear of contract being nullified. November 14 2007 - Asked CERT if anything is going on. Response that they would check with Meridian. December 4 2007 - Asked CERT again if anything was going on. They again contacted Meridian. December 5th 2007 - Meridian asked for contact info and other information. Responded with other information but not direct contact information for fear of retaliation. Other information included specifics about how the issue was found. Gave CERT option to release this information with weekly release along side this release. Gave Meridian till December 11th to respond. December 11th 2007 – No response from Meridian or CERT. Public notified through BugTraq, Full Disclosure, and Prolog Support Forums.