I am proud to announce the program for OWASP Israel 2007 conference to be held on Dec 3rd 2007 at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya in participation with the ICD's Efi Arazi Computer Science School. The conference is free and open for everyone. You are also most welcomed to send this invitation to anyone who may be interested. Further information and the full agenda can be found at: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Israel_2007_Conference The Program (full descriptions can be found at https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Israel_2007_Conference#Program) Cross Site Request Forgery - Overview and Solutions Ofer Shezaf, OWASP IL chapter leader, Breach Security Defeating Web 2.0 Attacks without Recoding Applications Amichai Shulman, CTO, Imperva Harvesting Skype Super-Nodes Omer Dekel, IDC The PKI Lie - Attacking Certificate-Based Authentication Ofer Maor, CTO, Hacktics Hunting Down XSS Vulnerabilities Erez Metula, Application Security Department Manager, 2Bsecure How Dangerous Is It Out There? Dror Paz, Director of Professional Services, Breach Security Smuggling SQL injection attacks Avi Douglen, Application Security Consultant, ComSec SOA security Iris Levari, Amdocs -- Ofer Shezaf Work: ofers@xxxxxxxxxx, +972-9-9560036 #212 Personal: ofer@xxxxxxxxxx, +972-54-4431119 Breach Security Chair, OWASP Israel Leader, ModSecurity Core Rule Set Project Leader, WASC Web Hacking Incidents Database Project