On Tue, 20 Nov 2007, Mark Senior wrote:
If I subsequently visit my bank's website, and I get no SSL warning, it
should ****ing well mean the certificate is valid.
However, vendors seem to head towards strong hostname binding. MSIE,
Opera and Safari 3 already do so. Mozilla-1.9/Firefox-3 will have the
probably best solution: the user can set a list of hostname/port tupels
a cert shall be trusted for.
I'd say this is the right course.
As I've mentioned in my first comment,
I agree that hostname/port binding to cert saving could
reduce such attacks like the one proposed by Nils.
Of course, we're ignoring what I'd say is the fundamental problem with X509
- a CA is either authoritative for the entire DNS namespace, or for
nothing. I might want to trust the CA of the Israeli government for
*.gov.il, but for a bank in Egypt? Not so much...
Well, we allready trust many CA's for such purposes. Random names:
AOL, VISA etc...
Creating a CA hierarchy attached to DNS seems nice from one point of view:
a DN-CA would verify certs belonging under it's domain name tree only.
That's good.
Every registar and every end-entity that bought a domain
would have to introduce policies and procedures for certification
management/enrollment/revocation etc -> whole PKI.
Either they would manage it themselfs (my believes are that we're
immature as a group for such solution)
pass the chain of trust to a
third party. That third party would have to be able to verify the whole
DNS universe or at least a part of it. Who decides which CA
verifies a domain? A root CA or a banch of them on top (it still tree
based). Isn't the same we're doing now?
Almost the same. A CA would still be liable for a certain domain
only (good) but a root CA would still had to be liable for that CA (bad).
However it would be possible to setup real working PKI without paying to
AOL, VISA etc (really good). An attacker would still be able to setup a 'test'
root CA and make you accept it's cert for that 'test' DNS universe-part (bad).
It seems to me more of a DNS problem than a x509 problem.
If that's the case we should tend in using protocols for securing the DNS system,
like DNSSEC or something better.
x509 and TLS is really nice and helps even in that.