[|Description:|] A security breach has been discoverd in IceBB 1.0-rc6. This breach is caused by a bad filtering of the X-Forwarded-For variable: > ./includes/functions.php, line 73 $ip = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; $ip = $this->clean_key($ip); $input['ICEBB_USER_IP'] = $ip; > ./icebb.php, line 169 $icebb->client_ip = $input['ICEBB_USER_IP']; > ./admin/index.php, line 112 $icebb->adsess = $db->fetch_result("SELECT adsess.*,u.id as userid,u.username,u.temp_ban,g.g_view_board FROM icebb_adsess AS adsess LEFT JOIN icebb_users AS u ON u.username=adsess.user LEFT JOIN icebb_groups AS g ON u.user_group=g.gid WHERE adsess.asid='{$icebb->input['s']}' AND adsess.ip='{$icebb->client_ip}' LIMIT 1"); A hacker could exploit this security breach in order to alter a SQL request. [|Exploit:|] http://www.aeroxteam.fr/exploit-IceBB-1.0rc6.php [|Solution:|] No one. Think about update your forum core when a patch will be available on the official website. [|Credits:|] Gu1ll4um3r0m41n (aeroxteam --[at]-- gmail --[dot]-- com) for AeroX (AeroXteam.fr) [|Greetz:|] Math², KERNEL_ERROR, NeoMorphS, Snake91, Goundy, Alkino (...) And everybody from #aerox