List, I'm glad to release the fifth beta of w3af. For those that still don't know, w3af is a fully automated auditing and exploiting framework for the web. More info can be found at . They are really *a lot* of changes from beta4 to make an detailed list, but a small summary will give you an idea of the new features I have been working on: - Virtual daemon, a way to use Metasploit framework payloads/shellcodes while exploiting web applications. - w3afAgent, a reverse VPN that allows you to route packets through the compromised server - Good samaritan, a module that allows you to exploit blind sql injections much faster - 20+ new plugins - A lot of bug fixes - A much more stable core. The users guide can be found here: - I also uploaded the presentation materials of my talk at the T2 conference in Finland ( ). The PDF file is a nice introduction to the interesting features implemented in the framework and can be found here: - Cheers, -- Andres Riancho Web Application Attack and Audit Framework