I know I've jumped on this conversation late, but it seems to me that this is not a "URI/RL" handling problem. Like was mentioned earlier, this is probably a content-type/file association/command string handling problem. I was recently researching the image file "exploit" from splitbrain.org ( http://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2007-02/12-internet_explorer_facilitates_cross_site_scripting). During the research, I ran across the IE7's dev team's blog ( http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2005/02/01/364581.aspx) where they describe how IE7 determines how to process content based upon the first 256bytes of the information rather than directly based upon how information is passed from the server. I quote "If it cannot find the clsid, the file will be Shell Executed<http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/reference/functions/shellexecute.asp>and shell will use the extension to determine the application to handle the file." So, I wonder if these two incidents are some how related at the shell process level. In the original posting, The string ( mailto:test%../../../../windows/system32/calc.exe".cmd<test%../../../../windows/system32/calc.exe".cmd>) would be processed as a command script as indicated by the percent sign (variable identifier) and the ".cmd" and "overwrite" the mailto initator. In the case of the ".doc" and ".txt", it appears the final association will determine how the rest of the string is processed. File association plays a role because command line will attempt to launch the default mail handler. This seems to indicate the problem is at a "lower" level than the browser/mail client. This would explain why it works equally well despite having Firefox, IE7, thunderbird, or outlook. Based upon the IE7 blog posting, it seems this fundamental change may have been introduced with IE7/XPSP2. However, this is mainly theory. I have tested the "malicious" string on an XP (no service pack) and IE6. The string was processed as described. Meaning the default mail-client (in this case outlook express6) launched with the string in the "TO:" line of a blank email. All of this may seem obvious, and if I'm re-stating information, I apologize. As far as possible mitigation techniques, microsoft also described the "new functionality" of XP SP2 in this tech net article, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457150.aspx. They describe what registry settings can affect how content logic can be forced. I haven't really tested this solution because I've been busy. But these are some loose thoughts on the subject. merigoth