[waraxe-2007-SA#058] - Critical Sql Injection in NukeSentinel 2.5.12 ==================================================================== Author: Janek Vind "waraxe" Date: 27. September 2007 Location: Estonia, Tartu Web: http://www.waraxe.us/advisory-58.html Target software description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Developer: http://www.nukescripts.net NukeSentinel is anti-hacking sofware, used as additional security layer around well-known-for-security-holes-as-swiss-cheese phpnuke CMS. Vulnerabilities: Critical Sql Injection in "includes/nukesentinel.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NukeSentinel 2.5.12 is latest update with multiple security holes pathed, still there are possibilities to conduct sql injection attacks and compromise underlying website. Let's look at script "includes/nukesentinel.php" source code: ------------>[source code]<------------ function write_ban($banip, $htip, $blocker_row) { global $ab_config, $nuke_config, $db, $prefix, $user_prefix, $admin, $nsnst_const; if(isset($_COOKIE['admin']) && !empty($_COOKIE['admin'])) { $abadmin = base64_decode($_COOKIE['admin']); $abadmin = explode(":", $abadmin); $a_aid = "$abadmin[0]"; } $admin_row = abget_admin($a_aid); ------------>[/source code]<----------- and next is presented "abget_admin()" source code: ------------>[source code]<------------ function abget_admin($author){ global $prefix, $db; $adminresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `".$prefix."_nsnst_admins` WHERE `aid`='$author'"); $admin_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($adminresult); return $admin_row; } ------------>[/source code]<----------- As we can witness, incoming "$_COOKIE['admin']" variable is used in base64 decoding and produced string is not sanitized at all before using it in sql query. Result is classical sql injection case, which can be exploited as blind sql injection. Proof of concept exploit has been written by me and can retrieve any data from database within short time. By stealing phpnuke admin password md5 hash it is possible to gain administrative privileges and compromise all the website. //-----> See ya soon and have a nice day ;) <-----// How to fix: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Waiting for new NukeSentinel version :)) Greetings: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greets to ToXiC, LINUX, y3dips, Sm0ke, Heintz, slimjim100, Chb and anyone else who know me! Greetings to Raido Kerna. Tervitusi Torufoorumi rahvale! Contact: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ come2waraxe@xxxxxxxxx Janek Vind "waraxe" Homepage: http://www.waraxe.us/ Shameless advertise: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ User Manuals - http://user-manuals.waraxe.us/ Chemistry Books - http://chemistry.oldreadings.com/ ---------------------------------- [ EOF ] ----------------------------