-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear List, You may or may not have noticed but a lot of German companies and researches have pulled their tools from their website in fear of litigation. We are fed up with the ambiguity and confusion surrounding Germany controversial new anti-hacker law and n.runs AG decided to put the law to the test, we reuploaded the BTCrack (Bluetooth Cracking tool) and futhermore added a new Item, the source code to the Linux port for immediate download. [1] The law, which took effect Aug. 10, mandates fines or prison sentences for any person who violates 202a or 202b "by providing access to, selling, acquiring, leaving at the disposition of someone, distributing or otherwise making accessible" passwords or access control information. It also outlaws computer programs whose purpose is solely criminal. N.runs hopes its actions will encourage other German security firms and researchers to put their security tools and research back online as well. "The current confusion and uncertainty is affecting everyone around here," Jan Münther (CTO) says. "Germany is most certainly not becoming a safer place because of these laws." More Information about the motivation behind this move and more insight is available through Dark Reading : http://www.darkreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=134646&WT.svl=news1_2 [1] http://www.nruns.com/_en/security_tools.php Regards, Thierry Zoller - Security Engineer Fingerprint 9180 F9C9 A0EF BDA3 C46A BFEB B149 0FE4 3AFC 9B09 - -- n.runs AG Registergericht Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe, HRB 10399 Nassauer Straße 60 61440 Oberursel mobil +49 151 5500 2771 phone +49 6171 699-0 fax +49 6171 699-199 web http://www.nruns.com Aufsichtsrat: Vorstand: Horst Marscholek (Vorsitzender) Andreas Bruns (Vorsitzender) Ulrich Caspar Alexander Kersting Donald Lee -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iD8DBQFG+R+/sUkP5Dr8mwkRAgeqAJsFH9phwU9m5NfGcrBLFFo6zyBEWQCdG+B5 iPKWFclTKXG9ihycQdeUO2c= =bdrq -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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