-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Symantec Vulnerability Research http://www.symantec.com/research Security Advisory Advisory ID: SYMSA-2007-009 Advisory Title: RemoteDocs R-Viewer Code Execution and Sensitive Information Disclosure Author: Adam Baldiwn / adam_baldwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx Release Date: 17-09-2007 Application: RemoteDocs R-Viewer 1.6.2836 Platform: Windows Severity: Remotely exploitable / User access Vendor status: Update available CVE Number: CVE-2007-4750 CVE-2007-4751 Reference: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/25591 Overview: RemoteDocs R-Viewer is a secure document viewer used by remotedocs.com. There exists a design flaw in RemoteDocs R-Viewer where code can be executed upon opening the RDZ file without any knowlege or warning to the user. Additionally, temporary files are not properly removed of disk exposing the encrypted data. Details: The problem is due to a design flaw in the R-Viewer application. It is possible to replace the normal encrypted RDZ file with a specially crafted RDZ file. The first file in this archive will be executed with current user privledges by the R-Viewer application based strictly on file extension alone. To further compound this issue it may be possible for an attacker to gain other sensitive information from the R-Viewer application through easily predictable temporary directories that don't appear to expire content regularily. Included inside of these temorary directories are the unecnrypted copies of the documents the R-Viewer application has opened in the past. Example: C:\Program Files\RemoteDocs\Viewer\tmp\31325193(1) <-- First opening C:\Program Files\RemoteDocs\Viewer\tmp\31325193(2) <-- Second opening Vendor Response: RemoteDocs Engineers have verified these issues and have resolved them in the latest product release R-Viewer 1.6.3768. RemoteDocs recommends all customers immediately obtain the newest version of R-Viewer to protect against these types of threats. RemoteDocs is unaware of any adverse customer impact from these issues. There are no known publicly available exploits. Recommendation: All users should upgrade to the latest version of R-Viewer 1.6.3768. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Information: The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the following names to these issues. These are candidates for inclusion in the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org), which standardizes names for security problems. CVE-2007-4750 CVE-2007-4751 - -------Symantec Vulnerability Research Advisory Information------- For questions about this advisory, or to report an error: research@xxxxxxxxxxxx For details on Symantec's Vulnerability Reporting Policy: http://www.symantec.com/research/Symantec-Responsible-Disclosure.pdf Symantec Vulnerability Research Advisory Archive: http://www.symantec.com/research/ Symantec Vulnerability Research GPG Key: http://www.symantec.com/research/Symantec_Vulnerability_Research_GPG.asc - -------------Symantec Product Advisory Information------------- To Report a Security Vulnerability in a Symantec Product: secure@xxxxxxxxxxxx For general information on Symantec's Product Vulnerability reporting and response: http://www.symantec.com/security/ Symantec Product Advisory Archive: http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/security/SymantecAdvisories.html Symantec Product Advisory PGP Key: http://www.symantec.com/security/Symantec-Vulnerability-Management-Key.asc - --------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2007 by Symantec Corp. Permission to redistribute this alert electronically is granted as long as it is not edited in any way unless authorized by Symantec Consulting Services. Reprinting the whole or part of this alert in any medium other than electronically requires permission from research@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Disclaimer The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this information. Symantec, Symantec products, and Symantec Consulting Services are registered trademarks of Symantec Corp. and/or affiliated companies in the United States and other countries. All other registered and unregistered trademarks represented in this document are the sole property of their respective companies/owners. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) iD8DBQFG7qt7uk7IIFI45IARAnWvAJ40Kkc5o/Fq9En2C96p70BmVmXoZQCdEIxX iMg6QeR4pvWm+4bA542FXT0= =Jjsz -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----