Magnus Holmgren said: >[the superglobals] shadow everything - you cannot define your own >$_SERVER array, nor can it be overridden with HTTP GET or POST >values. If that were possible, using the superglobals would be >useless; all scripts would be vulnerable unless register_globals is >off. This EXACT problem occurred in older versions of PHP, at least 4.x if I recall correctly, although I can't dig up which versions were affected. Now, you could argue that this is the PHP interpreter's fault, so the applications shouldn't be held accountable, but we see a lot of reports like this one - and I bet they work in many environments. Then there's the unset() vulnerability [1] and other variants. Ignoring register_globals, there's still dynamic variable evaluation [2], extract(), and other variable-overwriting constructs, from which I suspect even the superglobals aren't always protected, although these constructs don't seem to be used very heavily. >Now, register_globals has defaulted to off ever since PHP 4.2.0. This is a reasonable argument. However, many hosting sites and applications still enable or require it. The mass compromises of web servers for botnets, as described by Gadi Evron [3], were probably made possible due to this setting (and allow_url_fopen). >And it would of course be nice if people posting to Bugtraq actually >tested their PoCs first. This would be nice, but as you see, sometimes a "fake" isn't always so immediately identified, thanks to the colorful, complicated history of the PHP interpreter itself [4] [5] [6]. - Steve [1] Zend_Hash_Del_Key_Or_Index Vulnerability CVE-2006-3017 Stefan Esser [2] Dynamic Evaluation Vulnerabilities in PHP applications [3] "Web server botnets and hosting farms as attack platforms" Gadi Evron, Kfir Damari & Noam Rathaus, Virus Bulletin, February 2007 [4] $GLOBALS Overwrite and it's Consequences Stefan Esser [5] PHP import_request_variables() arbitrary variable overwrite Stefano Di Paola [6]