Title: [CAID 35524]: eTrust Intrusion Detection caller.dll Vulnerability CA Vuln ID (CAID): 35524 CA Advisory Date: 2007-07-24 Reported By: Sebastian Apelt working with the iDefense VCP Impact: A remote attacker can execute arbitrary code. Summary: CA eTrust Intrusion Detection contains a vulnerability associated with the caller.dll ActiveX control. The vulnerability, CVE-2007-3302, is due to the caller.dll ActiveX control being marked safe for scripting. An attacker, who can lure a user into visiting a malicious website, can potentially gain complete control of an affected installation. Mitigating Factors: 1) Attack can only be executed if victim is using a web browser. 2) Attacker must trick victim into visiting a malicious web page. 3) Malicious code will be executed with privileges of currently logged in user. Severity: CA has given this vulnerability a High risk rating. Affected Products: eTrust Intrusion Detection 3.0 eTrust Intrusion Detection 3.0 SP1 Affected Platforms: Windows Status and Recommendation: CA has provided updates to address the vulnerabilities. eTrust Intrusion Detection 3.0 - apply QO89893 eTrust Intrusion Detection 3.0 SP1 - apply QO89881 How to determine if you are affected: For Windows: 1. Using Windows Explorer, locate the file “caller.dll”. By default, the file is located in the “C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Intrusion Detection\Common” directory. 2. Right click on the file and select Properties. 3. For eTrust Intrusion Detection 3.0 SP1, select the Version tab, or, for eTrust Intrusion Detection 3.0, select the General tab. 4. If the file version or date is earlier than indicated in the table below, the installation is vulnerable. File Release File Version File Date, Size caller.dll 3.0 NA 7/13/2007, 32768 bytes caller.dll 3.0 SP1 NA Workaround: As a workaround solution, set the kill bit on the caller.dll ActiveX control. Note: Before proceeding, review the following Microsoft knowledge base article on disabling ActiveX controls: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/240797 1. Using the registry editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\ {41266C21-18D8-414B-88C0-8DCA6C25CEA0}. If the key does not exist, create it. 2. Create a DWORD value named "Compatibility Flags" with a value data of 0x00000400. 3. Restart Internet Explorer. References (URLs may wrap): CA SupportConnect: http://supportconnect.ca.com/ Security Notice for eTrust Intrusion Detection caller.dll Vulnerability http://supportconnectw.ca.com/public/etrust/etrust_intrusion/infodocs/eid-callervilnsecnot.asp Solution Document Reference APARs: QO89893, QO89881 CA Security Advisor posting: CA eTrust Intrusion Detection caller.dll vulnerability http://www.ca.com/us/securityadvisor/newsinfo/collateral.aspx?cid=149811 CA Vuln ID (CAID): 35524 http://www.ca.com/us/securityadvisor/vulninfo/vuln.aspx?id=35524 Reported By: Sebastian Apelt working with the iDefense VCP iDefense advisory: Computer Associates eTrust Intrusion Detection CallCode ActiveX Control Code Execution Vulnerability http://labs.idefense.com/intelligence/vulnerabilities/display.php?id=568 CVE References: CVE-2007-3302 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-3302 OSVDB References: Pending http://osvdb.org/ Changelog for this advisory: v1.0 - Initial Release Customers who require additional information should contact CA Technical Support at http://supportconnect.ca.com. For technical questions or comments related to this advisory, please send email to vuln AT ca DOT com. If you discover a vulnerability in CA products, please report your findings to vuln AT ca DOT com, or utilize our "Submit a Vulnerability" form. URL: http://www.ca.com/us/securityadvisor/vulninfo/submit.aspx Regards, Ken Williams ; 0xE2941985 Director, CA Vulnerability Research CA, 1 CA Plaza, Islandia, NY 11749 Contact http://www.ca.com/us/contact/ Legal Notice http://www.ca.com/us/legal/ Privacy Policy http://www.ca.com/us/privacy/ Copyright (c) 2007 CA. All rights reserved.