netVigilance Security Advisory #34 Utopia News Pro version 1.4.0 XSS Attack Vulnerability Description: Utopia News Pro is a powerful and scalable news management system for any web site. News Pro, written in PHP and backed by the renowned MySQL database system, Utopia Software's News Pro is an ideal software solution for your site. Support for multiple users and multiple user levels. Also includes avatar and comments support. All settings can be changed in the web-accessible control panel. Successful exploitation requires that attacker entered 6 times the wrong password for the existing username. Advisory URL: External References: Mitre CVE: CVE-2007-3129 NVD NIST: CVE-2007-3129 OSVDB: 34165 Summary: Utopia News Pro is a powerful and scalable news management system for any web site. Security problem in the product allows attackers to conduct XSS attacks. Release Date: 06/17/2007 Severity: Risk: Medium CVSS Metrics: Access Vector: Remote Access Complexity: High Authentication: Not-required Confidentiality Impact: Partial Integrity Impact: Partial Availability Impact: Partial Impact Bias: Normal CVSS Base Score: 5.6 Target Distribution on Internet: Low Exploitability: Functional Exploit Remediation Level: Workaround Report Confidence: Uncorroborated Vulnerability Impact: Attack Host Impact: XSS Attack SecureScout Testcase ID: TC 17964 Vulnerable Systems: Utopia News Pro version 1.4.0 Vulnerability Type: XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) to force a web-site to display malicious contents to the target, by sending a specially crafted request to the web-site. The vulnerable web-site is not the target of attack but is used as a tool for the hacker in the attack of the victim. Vendor: Utopia Software Vendor Status: The Vendor has been notified several times on many different email addresses last on 6 June 2007. The Vendor has not responded. There is no official fix at the release of this Security Advisory. Workaround: Absent Example: The attacker must commit 6 unsuccessful login attempts with 'admin' username. So he will be able to see CAPTCHA. REQUEST: http://[TARGET]/[UTOPIA NEWS PRO-DIRECTORY]/login.php?username=admin &password=%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(document.cookies)%3C/script%3E REPLY: will execute <script>alert(document.cookie)</script> Credits: Jesper Jurcenoks Co-founder netVigilance, Inc