rPath Security Advisory: 2007-0117-1 Published: 2007-06-07 Products: rPath Linux 1 Rating: Minor Exposure Level Classification: Indirect User Deterministic Denial of Service Updated Versions: gd=/conary.rpath.com@rpl:devel//1/2.0.33-4.4-1 php=/conary.rpath.com@rpl:devel//1/4.3.11-15.11-1 php-mysql=/conary.rpath.com@rpl:devel//1/4.3.11-15.11-1 php-pgsql=/conary.rpath.com@rpl:devel//1/4.3.11-15.11-1 References: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-2756 https://issues.rpath.com/browse/RPL-1394 Description: Previous versions of the gd and php packages are vulnerable to a Denial of Service attack in which an attacker can use a truncated PNG image to cause unbounded CPU consumption. The libgd library is not exposed via any privileged or remote interfaces within rPath Linux per se, but it is exposed by some web applications, such as php (which provides its own internal version of libgd). Copyright 2007 rPath, Inc. This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. A copy is available at http://www.rpath.com/permanent/mit-license.html