Windows XP/Vista (.ANI) Remote Exploit (bypass eeye patch) Works on fully patched Windows Vista I think it is first real remote code execution exploit on vista =) Tested on: Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation and UAC enabled) Windows Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation and UAC enabled) Windows XP SP2 (It also must to work on all nt based windows but not tested) Update: It also bypass eeye security ani patch! Author: jamikazu Mail: jamikazu@xxxxxxxxx Bug discovered by determina ( Credit: milw0rm,metasploit, SkyLined, invokes calc.exe if successful Note: do not open link in new tab with ie7 ,start new iexplorer.exe and past it. hxxp:// Regards, Jamikazu