CA is aware that functional exploit code was publicized on March 30, 2007 for a CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup Mediasvr.exe vulnerability. We have verified that a high risk vulnerability does exist and we are now working on a patch to address the issue. CA recommends that BrightStor ARCserve Backup users implement the following temporary workaround to mitigate the vulnerability: 1) Rename the "mediasvr.exe" file to a non-functional file name, such as "mediasvc.exe.disable". 2) Then restart the CA BrightStor Tape Engine service. This will disable the command line functionality in the product (i.e. command line utilities such as ca_backup, ca_restore, ca_merge, ca_qmgr, ca_scan, etc will not work). After we have completed our analysis of the issue, we will post an update and patches on the CA SupportConnect website. If additional information is required, please contact CA Technical Support at If you discover a vulnerability in CA products, please report your findings to vuln at ca dot com, or utilize our "Submit a Vulnerability" form at Regards, Ken Williams ; 0xE2941985 Director, CA Vulnerability Research CA, One CA Plaza, Islandia, NY 11749 Contact Legal Notice Privacy Policy Copyright (c) 2007 CA. All rights reserved.