Dear professionals, This a new opportunity to share your findings, ideas and research in information security and computer forensic topics. Please share with all your colleagues. ------------------------------------------------------- Call for Chapters for the Handbook of Research on Digital Anti-forensics and In-security Governance Editor: Jeimy J. Cano, Ph.D, CFE Newport University, CA. USA and Universidad de los Andes, COLOMBIA Law Faculty Introduction: Security management and computer forensics are topics based on vulnerabilities and system failures. In this way we need to study the duality of security: insecurity, as a strategy to discover how the system fails, what configurations make it fail, and how to discover the evidence of failures. If we could learn from information insecurity and anti- forensics strategies, we could better understand new ways to compromise the systems and rethink all security considerations in place, as well as enhance them and make them more resilient. Insecurity management is an emergent distinction to harden our IT infrastructures, knowing the mind of attacker. This handbook will aim to promote new skills in understanding insecurity management as a way to enhance IT security areas and promote more reliable procedures in computer and digital forensics. In this sense, all contributions considered for this editorial project will be analysis of current and new strategies to evade computer forensic investigations and new strategies to validate computer investigations. This book will also aim to discover critical failures in computer forensics software, reliability of security systems, and discuss all issues that support and offer ideas to security officers, security managers, academics or practitioners in maintaining vigilance in the event of an attack on IT infrastructure. Coverage: The Handbook of Research on Digital Anti-forensics and In-security Governance will be comprised of chapters (5,000-7,500 words) authored by leading experts offering an in-depth description of key terms and concepts related to different areas, issues and trends in anti-forensics and insecurity governance in modern organizations worldwide. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following: * Information Insecurity Governance - The evolution of vulnerabilities: Challenges for computer forensics - Computer forensics limitations: Frontiers of digital investigations - Anti-forensics strategies: Past, present and future * Digital forensics limitations: - File systems failures - Evading network traffic analysis - Computer forensic certifications: Limitations and the future - Building reliable digital evidence: Technical and legal issues * Discovering anti-forensics - Tracing secure deletion in file systems - Breaking security measures in security software - Computer forensic software validations - Steganoanalysis: Present and future - Forensic cryptoanalysis * Studying attackers evasion techniques - Hacking memory: Introduction to shell codes - Breaking optical devices - Advanced steganography * The future of anti-forensics - Anti-forensics and incident digital response - Rethink computer forensics and software reliability - New IT vulnerabilities challenges Invited Submissions: Individuals interested in submitting chapters (5,000-7,500 words) on the above-suggested topics or other related topics in their area of interest should submit via e-mail a 2-3 page manuscript proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter by May 1, 2007. We strongly encourage other topics that have not been listed in the suggested list, particularly if the topic is related to the research area in which you have expertise. Upon acceptance of your proposal, you will have until September 15, 2007, to prepare your chapter of 5,000-7,500 words and 7-10 related terms and their appropriate definitions. Guidelines for preparing your paper and terms and definitions will be sent to you upon acceptance of your proposal. Please forward your e-mail of interest including your name, affiliation and a list of topics (5-7) on which you are interested in writing a chapter to Jeimy J. Cano, editor, at jjcano@xxxxxxxxx no later than May 1, 2007. You will be notified about the status of your proposed topics by June 1, 2007. This book is tentatively scheduled for publishing by Information Science Reference (formerly Idea Group Reference) (an imprint of IGI Global),, in 2008. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.