Dear Casper Dik, I wasn't crying wolf about a Backdoor, heck I am not Steve Gibson. I was asking whether somebody will investigate why this hasn't been caught by audits or simply Q&A ? CDSC> And one which was too easy to discover; You said it, it's "easy to discover", so who has discovered it? Sun ? Considering it's that easy to catch, why hasn't SUN ? Maybe you can give us a heads up on that ? CDSC> real back doors are better I like that tautologie, "real backdoors", what makes a backdoor more real than another one ? Is it the coolness, the stealth ? Or is it simply the fact that it gives back door access ? CDSC> masquared as buffer overflows you might not chance upon. Nobody doesn't that anymore, everybody does code audits now and catches bufferoverflows, right? I think other overflows are more interesting to hide access. -- Thierry Zoller Fingerprint : 5D84 BFDC CD36 A951 2C45 2E57 28B3 75DD 0AC6 F1C7