Johannes Ullrich from the SANS ISC sent this to me and then I saw it on the DSHIELD list: ---- If you run Solaris, please check if you got telnet enabled NOW. If you can, block port 23 at your perimeter. There is a fairly trivial Solaris telnet 0-day. telnet -l "-froot" [hostname] will give you root on many Solaris systems with default installs We are still testing. Please use our contact form at if you have any details about the use of this exploit. ---- You mean they still use telnet?! Update from HD Moore: "but this bug isnt -froot, its -fanythingbutroot =P" On the exploits@ mailing list and on DSHIELD this vulnerability was verified as real. If Sun doesn't yet block port 23/tcp incoming on their /8, I'd make it a strong suggestion. Anyone else running Solaris? Gadi.