======================================================================== Openads security advisory OPENADS-SA-2007-001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Advisory ID: OPENADS-SA-2007-001 Date: 2007-Jan-24 Security risk: low risk Applications affetced: phpAdsNew, phpPgAds Versions affected: <= phpAdsNew 2.0.9-pr1, phpPgAds 2.0.9-pr1 Versions not affected: >= Openads 2.0.10, Openads for PostgreSQL 2.0.10 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Vulnerability: Cross-site scripting ======================================================================== Description ----------- This is the description of the vulnerability recieved by JPCERT: "We have confirmed that in admin-search.php, scripts included in 'keyword' parameter is shown without proper sanitization thus the script could be executed. However a user needs to login the system as administrator, which makes the exploit technically difficult. If this vulnerability is exploited, by script execution, a user's session ID included in HTTP Cookie might be stolen. Also there's a risk that the contents of phpAdsNew are falsified temporarily." References ---------- - JVN#07274813: http://jvn.jp/jp/JVN%2307274813/index.html Solution -------- - The vulnerability was fixed in Openads and Openads for PostgreSQL 2.0.10 (released on Jan 18th), but we suggest you to upgrade to Openads or Openads for PostgreSQL 2.0.11 released today. Contact informations ==================== The security contact for Openads can be reached at: <security AT openads DOT org> Best regards -- Matteo Beccati http://www.openads.org http://phpadsnew.com http://phppgads.com