Fix & Chips CMS v1.0 Vulnerable files: staff.php delete-announce.php new-customer.php search.php client-results.php -------------------------------------------- staff.php XSS User input in the Announcement box isn't properly sanatized before being generated. A few PoC's that work: <SCRIPT SRC=></SCRIPT> <IMG SRC=javascript:alert("XSS")> ---------------------------------------------- delete-announce.php XSS<></SCRIPT> ------------------------------------------------- new-customer.php User input in all of the input boxes when adding a new customer isnt sanatized. For a PoC in any input box when adding a new client put: <SCRIPT SRC=></SCRIPT> Because of the above, all malicious user input that is listed on the pages search.php and client-results.php will execute as well. ------------------------------------------------ - Luny