We at freerainbowtables.com are happy to announce the release of DistrRTgen 1.0 DistRTgen is a distributed rainbowtables generator client based on the work of Zhu Shuanglei (http://www.antsight.com/zsl/rainbowcrack/). www.freerainbowtables.com provides rainbowtables for download for free, and now DistrRTgen will make you able to help us to provide even more tables for download at our site. How does it work? The client communicates with our central server and recieves a part of the rainbowtable to do. The client then calculates it's assigned part, responds back with the data and gets another part assigned. The server will assemble all of the parts into a single rainbowtable which will be available for download at www.freerainbowtables.com What tables are you calculating? Right now, we are doing a "md5 all-space 1-7 letters" consisting of 21 tables x 1 gb each. What the future tables will be, is based on the input we get from the users in our forum. So YOU have the influence for what tables will be scheduled. Where can i download it? http://www.freerainbowtables.com/index-rainbowtables-distributed.html