Dear ajannhwt@xxxxxxxxxxx, First, array index overflow is usually very dangerous and is exploitable to code execution in many cases. Second, this one is not new. It was reported by Michal Zalewski in March and is patched in current Internet Explorer versions: Third, your 'examle' is very like Michal's one except he doesn't use 'lcamtuf'. --Sunday, December 3, 2006, 10:27:03 PM, you wrote to bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ahc> [[DOS]]]------------------------------------------------------ ahc> All Events, (onclick,oneror,onmouseover,onload etc.) ahc> Example: ahc> Save to .html file ahc> *(a)* ahc> <a href=x onclick=ajann onclick=ajann onclick=ajann ahc> onclick=ajann onclick=ajann onclick=ajann onclick=ajann -- ~/ZARAZA