Hello, We have coordinated a vuln disclosure with IBM Lotus Notes security for today, relating to an info leak issue with Lotus Notes where it is possible to: 1. Retrieve User.ID keyfiles, without entering a valid passphrase (as is normally required) 2. Validate existing Lotus Notes users login names This issue affects Lotus Notes installs where port 1352 is open to an attacker. Updated software is available from IBM, and other mitigation strategies exist. Full issue description: http://www.fortconsult.net/images/pdf/lotusnotes_keyfiles.pdf IBM Technote# 1248026: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=475&uid=swg21248026 - Andrew Andrew Christensen FortConsult A/S, Tranevej 16-18, DK-2400 Copenhagen Tel. +45 7020 7525, Fax. +45 7020 7526. GMT+1