Name SQL Injection in package MDSYS.SDO_LRS (7569081) [DB13] Systems Affected Oracle 9i Rel. 2 Severity High Risk Category SQL Injection Vendor URL Author Alexander Kornbrust (ak at Advisory 18 October 2006 (V 1.00) Advisory Details ####### The package MDSYS.SDO_LRS contains a SQL injection vulnerability in the first parameter of convert_to_lrs_layer. Oracle forgot to fix this problem with the April CPU. Oracle fixed these vulnerabilities with the package DBMS_ASSERT. To exploit this vulnerability it is necessary to have the privilege to create a PL/SQL-function. Sample ###### After running the following SQL statement select sdo_lrs.convert_to_lrs_layer('"'' or 5=5--''"','RDS','A',1,1,1,1) from dual; The following SQL statement will be executed by Oracle: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM USER_SDO_INDEX_INFO WHERE TABLE_NAME = '"' OR 5=5--'"' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'RDS' Patch Information ################# Apply the patches for Oracle CPU October 2006. History ####### 19-apr-2006 Oracle secalert was informed 18-oct-2006 Oracle published CPU October 2006 [DB13] 18-oct-2006 Advisory published Additional Information ###################### An analysis of the Oracle CPU Oct 2006 is available here