When does php.net usually publish an official patched version on theirwebsite, outside of cvs? One would think they should publish it soonconsidering the vulnerability and exploit. On 9/9/06, İsmail Dönmez <ismail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Hi,> 9 Eylül 2006 Cumartesi 13:24 tarihinde, cxib@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx şunları> yazmıştı:> > [PHP 5.1.6 / 4.4.4 Critical php_admin* bypass by ini_restore()]> >> >> > Author: Maksymilian Arciemowicz (cXIb8O3)> > Date:> > - Written: 05.09.2006> > - Public: 09.09.2006> > SecurityAlert Id: 42> > CVE: CVE-2006-4625> > SecurityRisk: High> > Affected Software: PHP 5.1.6 / 4.4.4 < = x> > Advisory URL: http://securityreason.com/achievement_securityalert/42> > Vendor: http://www.php.net> [...]> > --- 2. How to fix ---> > fixed in CVS HEAD, PHP_5_2, PHP_5_1 and PHP_4_4.> >> > http://cvs.php.net/viewcvs.cgi/php-src/NEWS>> Can you please tell exact CVS revision in your advisories, PHP.net doesn't> care about vulnerabilities and its very hard to find the correct revision for> the fix.>> Regards,> ismail> --> アニメは本当にすごいすぎるよ !>