Hello Bug Traq readers, The Black Hat Briefings Japan '06 speakers have been selected. We received many presentations this year and we have chosen a broad sampling of topics facing security professionals today, with an emphasis on issues facing Asian Pacific region . The <http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-japan-06/bh-jp-06-en-schedule.html>schedule is on line now and available on our<http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-japan-06/bh-jp-06-main.html> Black Hat Japan site in both English and Japanese. There will be 2 tracks, over 2 days comprised of renowned information and computer security professionals. We have a wide selection of topics this year from "<http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-japan-06/bh-jp-06-en-speakers.html#Wicherski>Catching Malware" to an updated "<http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-japan-06/bh-jp-06-en-speakers.html#Rutkowska>Subverting Vista Kernel" Alex Stamos & Zane Lackey - Breaking AJAX Web Applications: Vulns 2.0 in Web 2.0 Jeremiah Grossman -Hacking Intranet websites from the outside: Malware just got a lot more dangerous Dan Moniz - Six Degrees of XSSploitation Paul Bohm -Taming Bugs: The art and science of writing secure code Joanna Rutkowska - Subverting Vista Kernel For Fun And Profit Kenneth Geers & Alexander Eisen - IPv6 World Update Strategy & Tactics Heikki Kortti - Input Attack Trees Mr. Sugiura - Winny P2P security Darren Bilby - Low Down and Dirty: Anti-Forensic Rootkits Thorsten Holz & Georg Wicherski - Catching Malware to Detect, Track and Mitigate Botnets Yuji Hoshizawa - TBD Scott Stender - Attacking Internationalized Software Please check out the speakers page for updates <http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-japan-06/bh-jp-06-en-speakers.html>http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-japan-06/bh-jp-06-en-speakers.html There you will find Abstracts for the upcoming presentations and get background information on our speakers. To register visit us on-line at: <http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-registration/bh-registration.html#Japan.>http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-registration/bh-registration.html#Japan. Act fast our early bird discount will end September 15th. We look forward to seeing you at Tokyo, Keio Plaza Hotel, October 3-6th, 2006. More information on this years venue is available at: http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-japan-06/bh-jp-06-en-venue.html . Thank you, Jeff Moss