Frank Reissner said: > //comments > > function phpdigSearch(){ > > Line: 423 <?php include $relative_script_path.'/libs/htmlheader.php' > ?> > > ... > } > >Please explain us how that should be exploited. While this statement appears to be in a function declaration, there would be nested "<?php" tags - a parse error, at least in my PHP 4. So, this code is "live" within the script, somehow. And, in fact, if we look at the surrounding context (at least for my copy of search_function.php), we have this: else { $t_strings = array_merge($t_mstrings,$t_fstrings); phpdigParseTemplate($template,$t_strings,$table_results); } } else { ?> <?php include $relative_script_path.'/libs/htmlheader.php' ?> <head> <title><?php print $title_message ?></title> <?php include $relative_script_path.'/libs/htmlmetas.php' ?> Notice the "?>" in front of the include statement, which closes off the first bit of executable code. So, this looks like it could be exploitable using a direct request to search_function.php, since at the point of the include, the $relative_script_path variable is *not* initialized. Finally - the original pathname suggested a possible third party module, and in fact, the affected file and referenced code matches that of phpDig 1.8.8, so this is probably a vulnerability in phpDig instead of Jetbox. - Steve