Hi A reader going by the nickname "xeek" pointed out to me that the examples in the paper making use of the HTTP GET request do not work as-is (thanks xeek!). After looking at the matter, I realized that I made a silly mistake. In my research, I toyed with the LoadVars.send() method with 2 arguments (url and target window), and had Flash automatically select the appropriate methd (GET if empty body, POST if non-empty body). The exploit works fine this way. When I documented my findings, I decided to explicitly add the HTTP method, to clarify the write-up. BIG mistake - turns out that in such case, Flash doesn't send the headers if GET is used (sounds like a bug...). And pity I didn't verify the exact code I used in the write-up... Anyway, to summarize - there's a mistake in the document, and it's easily fixed. In each GET example, simply remove the explicit method (i.e. delete all instances of ,"GET" in the write-up). For example (the first example in the paper): [...] req.send("http://www.vuln.site/some/page.cgi?p1=v1&p2=v2", "_blank"); This works as advertised, and as also verified by xeek. Thanks, and sorry for the mistake, -Amit