*498 days to fix an arbitrary code vulnerability *Silently fixing buffer overrun vulns without releasing an advisory (http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/alerts/id/226, in "Additional Information" section) Hmph. Wow. I wonder if they kill-bitted older versions >>>hehehe ;-) I ran across at least some of the same issues reported in early 2005 as well (didn't bother to report them though). All I can say is swiss-cheese for the stuff I looked at, what's a better word when you spend 30 minutes looking at a product and come up with a half dozen or so high impact flaws. ________________________________________ From: Mark Litchfield Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 9:58 AM To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; vulnwatch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; sec-adv@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: WebEx Downloader Plug-in Multiple Vulnerabilities + rant All these vulnerabilities were reported to WebEx by NGS Software back on the 24th February 2005 along with some other issues. The current Director of the X-Force new about these issues as at the time of their discovery, he worked with NGS. Seeing as I'm the subject, here is another example whereby I found a bug (in Skype) except Pentest-Limited were credited with it's discovery - http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/10/25/skype_vuln/ An extract from an email below from Kurt Sauer (Security Operations / Skype Technologies), shows that Mark Rowe of Pentest Ltd for some unknown reason had access to my email sent to Kurt. In reviewing our mail archives, I see that you *DID* report the vuln (the VCARD aspect) to us -- to ME, directly -- before Mark Rowe did. However, I (gulp) mishandled the e-mail. As you surmised, it appears that Mark Rowe read that mail and found another instantiation of the same bug, namely the handling of the command-line parameters. Completely my fault on that. It will take one "push" cycle (typically less than a day) to get a correction posted, but I will both correct our announcement and also redistribute it with corrected attribution. I should have asked you to CC security@xxxxxxxxx on the actual vuln report, because mail sent to that address is read by more than just me. Importantly, I am going to hire a dedicated incident manager (as fast as our hiring practices will allow) so that there is someone spending full workdays just handing inbound messages on this topic. Could never be bothered before to make an issue of it. But to sit on a large number of flaws in a vendors software product for 498 days and see other companies credited is a tad annoying :) All the best Mark Litchfield