Custom dating biz@ dating script v1.0 Homepage: Affected files: *Profiles user_view.php photo_create.php --------------------------------- The edit profile form can be spoofed and a user can enter any data he wishes and it will update his profile. The "Choose an opening like and Pople say you look like" input boxes are the only ones that when entered, will be reviewed by the sites admin. Max char limit stored in the db for each profile box appears to be 36 chars EXCEPT for the input box "Special Cases". This box is where I will display our XSS example with the cookie info. PoC: <script>alert(document.cookie)</script> Screenshots: ----------------------------------- XSS vuln via user_view.php:<iframe%20src=> ---------------------------------- XSS vuln on photo_create.php. Max char limit stored in db is only 32, but data isn't sanatized. ---------------------------------