SpC-x said: > # Amr Talkbox talkbox.PHP - Remote File Include Vulnerabilities > > ... > # if ($lang == "eng") { > # include ("$direct/lang_eng.txt"); > # } elseif ($lang =="ita") { > # include ("$direct/lang_ita.txt"); However, looking at the source code as available on http://scripts.ringsworld.com/chat-scripts/amr-talkbox/ , with source files dated May 2005 and earlier, we have: $direct = "languages"; //---> The folder/directory that contain the language kits. if ($lang == "eng") { include ("$direct/lang_eng.txt"); } elseif ($lang =="ita") { include ("$direct/lang_ita.txt"); } in other words - not exploitable. - Steve