[MajorSecurity #14]CFXe-CMS <= 2.0 - XSS ---------------------------------------------- Software: CFXe-CMS Version: <=2.0 Type: Cross site scripting Date: June, 10th 2006 Vendor: Creanet Internet Service AG Page: http://www.cms-cfx.ch Credits: ---------------------------- Discovered by: David "Aesthetico" Vieira-Kurz http://www.majorsecurity.de Original Advisory: ---------------------------- http://www.majorsecurity.de/advisory/major_rls14.txt Affected Products: ---------------------------- CFXe-CMS 2.0 and prior Description: ---------------------------- CFXe-CMS is a commercial Content Management System. Requirements: ---------------------------- register_globals = On Vulnerability: ---------------------------- Input passed to the searchform input fields("search.cfm") is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in context of an affected site. Solution: ---------------------------- Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly sanitised. You should work with "htmlspecialchars()" or "strip_tags()" php-function to ensure that html tags are not going to be executed. Example: <?php echo htmlspecialchars("<script"); ?> Set "register_globals" to "Off". Exploitation: --------------------------- Goto the searchform input fields and type in following line as searchword: <script>alert("MajorSecurity")</script> <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>