Uninformed is pleased to announce the release of its fourth volume. The articles included in this volume are: - Engineering in Reverse: Improving Automated Analysis of Windows x64 Binaries Author: skape - Exploitation Technology: Exploiting the Otherwise Non-exploitable on Windows Authors: Skywing & skape [Pending coordinated disclosure in August, 2006] - General Research: Abusing Mach on Mac OS X Author: nemo - Rootkit Technology: Grepexec: Grepping Executive Objects from Pool Memory Author: bugcheck - What Were They Thinking? Anti-Virus Software Gone Wrong Author: Skywing This volume of the journal can be found at: http://www.uninformed.org/?v=4 About Uninformed: Uninformed is a non-commercial technical outlet for research in areas pertaining to security technologies, reverse engineering, and lowlevel programming. The goal, as the name implies, is to act as a medium for informing the uninformed. The research presented in each edition is simply an example of the evolutionary thought that affects all academic and professional disciplines. - Uninformed staff [at] uninformed.org