/* --------------------------------------------------------------- [N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam [NST]® Advisory #22 --------------------------------------------------------------- Program : PunBB 1.2.11 Homepage: http://www.punbb.org Vulnerable Versions: PunBB 1.2.11 & lower ones Risk: Low! Impact: Indirect cross site scripting -> PunBB 1.2.11 Cross site scripting <- --------------------------------------------------------------- - Description --------------------------------------------------------------- In short, PunBB is a fast and lightweight PHP powered discussion board. It is released under the GNU Public License. Its primary goal is to be a faster, smaller and less graphic alternative to otherwise excellent discussion boards such as phpBB, Invision Power Board or vBulletin. PunBB has fewer features than many other discussion boards, but is generally faster and outputs smaller pages. - Tested --------------------------------------------------------------- Tested in localhost & many forums - Bug --------------------------------------------------------------- In this case the XSS it is taken as a low risk bug because of its circumstances. An admin in PunBB can use a feature called `Admin note' to keep some notes about a certain user. The problem is that this note it is not sanitized. As you can see, an attack could only been executed if the admin writes a malicius script, wich is stupid. This note it is seen on every post of the user, but here its filtered, the problem lies when the admin look to all users who have a certain IP. f.e: The admin wants to know all users that have the IP-> The output will be: Username E-mail Title/Status Posts Admin note Actions baduser b@xxx New member 500 [blank] ..... So, there the admin note its executed as HTML code (JScript) or whatever. - Exploit --------------------------------------------------------------- NST will not release any code to exploit this bug. - Solutions --------------------------------------------------------------- A new version of PunBB it is available, it is recommended to update it. - Timeline --------------------------------------------------------------- 26/03/2006 - Vendor was contacted Many days - Discussing about the issue explotation. 05/20/2006 - Vendor released a new patched version. - Discalimer --------------------------------------------------------------- YOU are the only RESPONSALBE of any DAMAGE of above techniques could cause or any code you have made based in this advisory, all ideas, proof of concepts, solutions, descriptions were made only for EDUCATIONAL propuses, use all above information at your own risk. - References --------------------------------------------------------------- http://NeoSecurityTeam.net/index.php?action=advisories&id=22 http://www.neosecurityteam.net/advisories/Advisory-22.txt - Credits -------------------------------------------------------------- Discovered by k4p0 -> k4p0k4p0[at]hotmail[dot]com [N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam [NST]® - http://NeoSecurityTeam.net/ Irc.FullNnetwork.org #nst Questions? (Eng & Spa) -> http://NeoSecurityTeam.net/foro/ - Greets --------------------------------------------------------------- Paisterist HaCkZaTaN Link Daemon21 erg0t NST Comunity! @@@@'''@@@@'@@@@@@@@@'@@@@@@@@@@@ '@@@@@''@@'@@@''''''''@@''@@@''@@ '@@'@@@@@@''@@@@@@@@@'''''@@@'''' '@@'''@@@@'''''''''@@@''''@@@'''' @@@@''''@@'@@@@@@@@@@''''@@@@@''' */