Subject: [Info Disclosure] Diesel PHP Job Site Latest Version Severity: Pretty Bad Title: Diesel PHP Job Site Latest Version Information Disclosure Home Page: Product Page: Date: May 17, 2006 Synopsis: ========= When an unsuspecting user installs this software on their webserver, all information is emailed back to the original programmers of this software. This information is sent from install.php, which includes the database host, database name, username, and password used to connect. Background: =========== This script allows job seekers to post their resumes and search job postings for free and employers pay a fee to post jobs and search the resumes online. Free posting and searching is also possible. Information: ============ I run a VOIP Jobs site tailored to the Asterisk Community. As I do not have much money or investors I couldn't afford some swanky ass Job Board. I found this one, which was relatively cheap, but required register_globals. I bought it anyway (mistake #1). So, I thought I would be nice, and edit their software to remove this requirement. While I was looking through the code I found this little gem in the install file. Details: ======== In install.php, line 31, there is a call to a mail function that emails support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your username, email, database credentials, hosts and passwords. Due to their licensing agreement I'm not actually allowed to post the offending line of code from the file. It's worth mentioning that they also tried to hide this from unsuspecting users by tabbing it across the screen a number of times so it was hidden if scrolling without wordwrap on. Sneaky bastards. Fix/Workaround: =============== 1. Don't use this software 2. Use it, but first comment/delete that line from install.php 3. Disable the ability to send mail from PHP/Server